How to Make 2017 a Stress Free Holiday

Are you ready for a stress free holiday season where you can relax and enjoy all the festivities? Instead of stressing out?

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, shopping for gifts, cooking holiday favorites, putting up decorations, and attending parties. With all of the activities, it’s the holiday can quickly feel more like work.

Here’s how to create a stress free holiday environment and make 2016 the year you truly enjoy the holiday season:

  • Take a new approach. Instead of dreading sending out those holiday cards, tackle the task in a fresh way. Enlist the help of a friend or your spouse, break open a bottle of wine, and make the job fun!
  • Choose the middle of the road. Don’t try to go all out for the holidays. Be okay with things being “good enough.” In this case, settling is OK! So instead of decking the halls to the max, tackle one of the rooms in your home and make it a winter wonderland.
  • Do away with your shopping list. Make the holidays more about experiencing the season together, instead of it being all about the gifts.
  • Make it low-key. If you’ve made the Nutcracker ballet performance in your town a tradition, but everyone hates it, toss it out the window! Come up with a new tradition that doesn’t stress everyone out, like making a Christmas morning pancake breakfast!
  • Make a list. Write down the most important tasks or events that you want to accomplish over the season, and make a separate list of things that are “wants.” If you get to these, great. If you don’t, no worries! You’ll have made the important events  –  the ones that really matter to you  –  a priority.
  • Stop and smell the roses. Instead of striving to check tasks off your list, stop and take it all in. When you’re shopping, browse the stores and enjoy your company. And above all else, have fun!
  • Travel right. If you’re road-tripping to a destination holiday vacation or going to see family, organize your packing list. For example, if you’re going to arrive late in the evening, pack your family’s pajamas and toiletries in one bag. When you arrive, you won’t have to root through bags to get ready for bed. Everything will be in once place!
  • Prep for the road. If you’ll be driving over the holidays, make sure your car is ready. Schedule an oil change in advance, and pack the car with emergency supplies  –  just in case.
  • Take breaks. Avoid rushing around and feeling frazzled. Schedule mini breaks to keep holiday stress at bay. Take a walk in the snow, tour neighborhood lights or watch local wildlife.
  • Put yourself first. You’ll make your family’s and friend’s holiday season special by engaging in activities they enjoy. But you should also schedule time to do things you like to do, too.
  • Ditch the wrapping. Whenever you can, take this task off your plate, and engage in gift-wrapping services at the mall or in-store services.
  • Purchase supplies. If you like to do your own wrapping, be sure to stock up on supplies so you have everything you need to get the job done.
  • Do things together. Make holiday tasks fun by working together as a family. Or invite a few friends over to help you wrap gifts, decorate or cook!

Make your holiday season one to remember. You can create a stress-free holiday environment by following these tips. Contact HideAway Country Inn to inquire about our 1938 Restaurant & Pub and one-of-a-kind, relaxing accommodations – and experience the holidays away from home!


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